"Smith" Residence10/31/2023 It has been a little while, but we're back!
--- In later 2022 I was contacted by an old friend of mine. To respect their identity, I am calling them 'Smith'. Smith reached out to me with very significant concerns surrounding a newly purchased house. They had closed on their first house with their spouse and had begun to experience troubling activity. When the pair first moved into the residence, there were a few bumps in the night that were joked off as "it's just "Mr ___". This Mr was the previous tenant who passed away, so it was said as a joke that the previous owner must be the reason for the occasional noise. It was an older house, and we know older houses have their own orchestration of sounds. --- Since this, the bumps in the night became more. Smith began to frequently hear what sounded like boot steps walking across their hardwood flooring. Smith began to feel watched and would occasionally hear what sounded like an annoyed or disgruntled sigh in their doorway. They had seen what appeared to be someone's reflection in a door, when no one was on the other side or in the room. Items would be displaced into locations they hadn't been physically moved to. Cupboards would be found open or items removed from them. The activity didn't stop there. Smith expressed their concern after having been touched by something unseen on separate occasions. This was becoming unsettling for Smith and they were becoming intimidated and uncomfortable in their own house. After they reached out, I confirmed I would come take a look and see if I could explain any of their concerns or, what felt more important, validation. Throughout these experiences, Smith's partner was brushing the concerns away, saying it was the cats or other explanations. I wanted to ensure Smith received answers. --- Prior to our arrival in November, I asked Smith to sit down and speak out loud. If there was indeed an otherwordly presence, it was important to set boundaries and voice their discomfort. I confirmed it would seem silly, but if there was an entity, treat them as a person and have a candid conversation. Smith agreed they would try. --- I asked Heather to look into the history of the residence. Through a lot of research, we actually did discover that the previous tenant had passed away, and appeared to have passed away inside the residence. There weren't any other significant findings, but we felt it important to disclose this information to them. --- The night of the investigation, my team and I asked for the pair to be absent. There were cats in the residence that we remained cognizant of, to maintain integrity of the investigation space. --- Our cameras were setup throughout the residence and once we were set up, the lights were turned off and we went dark. Our team did not encounter any significant activity or have any personal experiences. We wrapped up our investigation and we packed up. The video and audio review would take a few days to comb through. While reviewing audio and video, I did not have any significant findings. We had two oddities that I couldn't completely explain. As seen in the image above, one of our cameras in the basement, which is where some activity had been reported, I had several instances of mild to severe interference. These cameras have been tested and used several times, and had never experienced any interference. It could have been something electrical, but I could not explain it in certainty. Another anomaly was a strange portion of video from the kitchen. There was a small speck seen on the refrigerator. It did not have the shape of an insect, but almost appeared to be a shape similar to a bead of water. This anomaly moved in erratic bursts and pathways along the fridge, then disappeared as quickly as it had shown up. I could not explain this anomaly. I can't say it was paranormal and I could not find a natural explanation. I passed along our findings to the pair. I asked if there had been any other activity. We were updated that Smith had sat down and had an out loud, conversation to relay their discomfort and that the activity was unwelcome. They told us that all activity since then had ceased. They have not experienced any activity since, and I'm hoping it remains that way. I hope the older house only gives off typical sounds characteristic for its age, and the quiet ensues. ---
Third Bridge6/28/2022 Good morning!
The other night my team and I visited Third Bridge, in Elbert County. We have had some great hunts there in the past and have caught strange EVP's that included whispering, drumming sounds, and an unidentifiable snarl. Unfortunately, before we could transfer the files, the equipment bricked and all the data was lost. So we ventured forth to start anew and hope for some new experiences. Upon arrival, you can hear the oil beam pump chugging steadily in the background. It was a new moon and the environment was perfect. The beam pump is a distinct, patterned sound that could debunk the claims of drumming- except as you'll hear about below. We parked near a farm house, just off in the shoulder off the bridge end. In the past, the team and I have experienced strange phenomenon. What sounds like several different cadence drums were heard increasing in volume as though either getting closer and faster, or simply louder. They sounded nothing like the steady beam bump that's typical in the silence. In that same visit we experienced a very soft, white light barely flickering in a nearby field. We saw it flicker so softly a handful of times before it disappeared. It was too soft and almost translucent to be a flashlight, and not a consistent flicker to be an electrical box of any variety. When we returned during broad daylight, the spot we noted the flickering was barren, vacant field. There was nothing to account for the light we saw. Step forward to this investigation. It was a quiet night. We heard an occasional sheep/goat bleat, but it was otherwise quiet. You could hear the steady beam pump in the distance. We set up an IR camera and audio recordings. We brought our KII meter and we began. We didn't catch nary a whisper. We were contacted by a passing Sheriff who indicated that where we had been doing our outings was, in fact, Second Bridge. Despite it being labeled as Third on maps and being "the popular, fun hang out", according to the sheriff, was, in fact, not the actual Third Bridge. He gave us directions and we relocated to a dusty road, more secluded and set away from the typical cars passing by. Upon arrival, we listened for the beam pump and couldn't hear it. Before exiting our vehicle we were suddenly met with the sound of several drums, varying in their rhythms, speed, and intensity. They would sound as though they were moving back and forth, and getting louder or quieter. We could not debunk these as the common oil pump. We could not discern what may be creating the noise, until they slowly seemed to fade and then you could hear a steady chugging from the oil pump. Not wanting to disturb the silence, we remained in the vehicle and set up the KII meter along with continued audio recording. It had been quiet all evening. In the distance we suddenly saw a beam of light. At first, it appeared to be car headlights, but they came from the middle of a field and quickly disappeared. They burst again in another direction and seemed to flicker and start coming toward us. It was getting brighter. Then the light died. It appeared again a distance away, in a different direction, and was flickering. It died again. We saw it a handful more, in different places and sometimes it flickered. Then we didn't see it anymore. What could have been a flashlight wielded by someone would have been traveling a decent distance in a short time. It was odd, and I couldn't say what it was. After a while of recording the silence, the KII meter flickered momentarily. This grabbed our attention and we watched and asked questions to silence; no responses. Then, very abruptly, the KII meter red-lined. It held at full range and then receded. It was quiet again. We asked if someone was with us. If they wanted us to leave, we asked they make the KII meter light up again. The KII meter immediately red-lined and held there for a strong few seconds. We made true on our word and packed up and headed out. Review of the video and audio of the area was unremarkable. The drumming noises we heard were hardly audible of the audio recording. The only oddity of the evening was just shortly before the KII meter red-lined, an electrical buzzing and interference sound was heard on the audio recording. It was very short and only popped up the once, but it was odd. It was a quiet evening with unusual experiences. On to the next! Cheesman Park12/15/2021 On Monday evening, December 13th, we made a trip out to Cheesman Park in Denver, CO. It was a chilly evening which made for a scarcely populated park with few chances for contamination.
There weren't any personal experiences we had and after combing through multiple audio sessions, have not come across anything at this time. There are a few little blurbs we're going over to cross off as 'unexplained'. If we do come across anything strange, we will add it to an 'oddities page'. This is not the first time we have had an investigation at Cheesman Park, though it may be one of the last times. There is an incredibly sad history with this park and the disrespect woven into the transition from cemetery to park. Interestingly, though, it does not appear to be much evidence of unrest from the thousands of bodies still left behind- at least for the times we have visited. Overall an interesting investigation locale to pick, but often a more secretive, shy venue. Adventures Up and Coming11/29/2021 Happy Monday!
I hope everyone experienced reprieve from their work week and found something they were thankful for this past week. Coming off of a vacation into a holiday work week was a nice ease back into the daily grind and responsibilities. I'm happy to say that we've finalized some of our online presence locations including: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/White-Owl-Paranormal-107770105062533), Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/whiteowlparanormal/), and Nextdoor (https://nextdoor.com/pages/white-owl-paranormal-aurora-co/recommend/). We're looking to schedule our next non-private investigation at one of the many intriguing hot spots of paranormal activity around us. I'm eager to revisit Third Bridge after losing so much fascinating, unexplained audio evidence. Whichever location we decide to dive into, I'm excited to share any of our findings with all of you- even if our only evidence was a fun investigation. Getting back up11/16/2021 Good morning everyone! It was overdue getting this up and running. We're slowly getting our team finalized. It has been a while since I've been able to get into the nitty gritty of investigations and I'm eager to jump back in. Some of our most intriguing experiences have been from The Stanley Hotel, The Highlands Ranch Mansion, and Third Bridge. We caught some incredibly bizarre and fascinating EVP's from Third Bridge that we couldn't explain, including a very loud snarl. Unfortunately, earlier this year, while doing a routine update, my phone became bricked. This was before my planned transfer of files and therefor all of our recordings were permanently lost. On the bright side, we still have the personal experiences and that means we'll just have to go out and investigate it again. I am eager to help you and delve into new adventures. Feel free to reach out through our contact form or directly email by contacting [email protected]. I look forward to updating this with our new investigations. ![]() This was taken in The Highlands Ranch Mansion in the same room seen photographed in our "About" section. I initiated a game of tag and, as in the other series of 3 photographs, were caught two streaked orbs that were not present in the other photos in the series. These same two orbs were seen several times in this room. ![]() This came from our time in The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park. In one of the rooms we were in, my camera completely died and would not restart. This was on a full battery and even our backup battery wouldn't turn it on. It turned on immediately after leaving the room. Shortly afterward I received a large electric shock while walking down a hallway that we still can't explain after trying to debunk it. Archives
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